Realistically I wouldn't be saying this if I was still in Central Asia. One, because with the language barrier I am limited to "Thank You", directions back to the flat, and a few basic menu items. And while knowing how to get food, a tea or beer, thank the server and get home at the end of the evening is useful, it won't begin to start any sort of conversation when tact and sensitivity is needed. And those would both be needed with the topic on my mind today.
I'm wearing purple right now.
Purple isn't my favorite color but I'm wearing it today because there's been a wave of publicly noticed LGBT youth suicides and there is an awareness event to show support for those youth. But before this recent wave the following statistics were all already known.
- 9 out of 10 LGBT students experienced harrassment in school in 2009.
- 30% missed a day of school after staying home due to safety concerns.
- LGBT teens are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual & cisgendered peers
- 1 of 3 LGBT youth has attempted suicide
This is a reality that should be the cause of conversation and much thought. I hope you do something to show support to the youth who find themselves attacked by the same homophobia we see in politics without the shield of rhetoric but rather to their faces and in personal attacks. We as a society have tolerated this behavior from our leaders, from the media, and in doing so taught the next generation such hate is okay. It's not. And we have a lot of work to do to make sure the promise of equality and freedom is open to all and not just an American ideal never to be reached.
I hope you have a wonderful day, and that you too are wearing purple.
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