Monday, 4 October 2010

Things I should post on later

Gender. Big topic. Interesting topic. Something I've been thinking about for the last few days. But because it is a big, interesting topic... It's also intimidating. And will take more time to write than I'm ready to sit in front of a computer screen to do right now.

Also, I want to write about US LGBT Youth Suicides visibility in American media and how different it is to read the news from here.

Also Californian mud slinging in the political arena and the current elections here in Bishkek. Somehow corruption being the norm here makes it more polished and although the American political system seems more legitimate in outcomes the process is uglier... or at least so it seems from here.

GPS devices.


Being American.



Why Coca-cola is so comforting when abroad....

Lots of things. But somehow though I often feel like an opinionated person who doesn't listen enough, when I'm typing posts I'm always second guessing. Is that really the way it was? Or did I just see it this way because of... ? Maybe that's not totally accurate. Let's just say that which can't be debated.

And by the time my mental loops have been jumped through the text that results is sadly boring. I read my coworker's blog and go, "Wow that sounds so exciting! But... that's not how I remember it at all. It was much more... eh/whatever. Not OMG exciting." Maybe I'm just being jaded? Maybe it is incredibly exciting. Maybe my life is much more interesting than I'm currently giving myself credit for. But from where I'm sitting it seems all I can do is hope this burning mosquito coil works, the net doesn't crash, the garlic adds flavor to the MREs, the only working converter doesn't conk out as it would kill my laptop's usefulness and that I can sleep through the call to prayer at 5:30 in the morning. It quickly goes from new exciting locale to adjusted rhythm of life with standard daily quirks and the desire not to see THE WORLD in big exciting capitals, but rather simply find a gym. The world will still be there afterwards, but somehow a forth floor walk up is just not as satisfying as a rowing machine.

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